Expedia Cultural Exchange Pavilion Exhibits
Both Weekends
11 AM - 6 PM
Expedia Cultural Exchange Pavilion Stage Backdrop and Entryway
Designed by Jeisson Castillo, Visual Artist - Bogotá, Colombia
Visual Artist Jeisson Castillo designed the stage backdrop and entryway of the Expedia Cultural Exchange Pavilion. With an MA. in Visual Arts from Javeriana University in Bogotá, Jeisson is a young painter, photographer, and audiovisual producer whose work focuses on the farming and indigenous communities of Colombia. He has traveled extensively in rural areas, including the entire Amazon basin of Colombia, where he has immersed himself in the traditional knowledge and ancestral wisdom of many indigenous peoples who are at risk of physical and cultural extinction.
We Are Sudamerican Printers 2024
We Are Sudamerican Printers 2024 is a collage of posters printed at La Linterna, a typographic print shop located in the city of Cali, Colombia, which, since 1934, has been producing and printing street posters using the technique of movable type and linoleum engraving. The collage of posters will present different themes revolving around Latin American popular culture, ancestral traditions, regional customs, musical environments, and various graphic narratives from the region.
Carnavales de Colombia
Carnavales de Colombia offers a glimpse of the many faces of Carnival in Colombia. This display will feature unique pieces on loan from several Colombian artisans who are demonstrating inside the Cultural Exchange Artist Tent and vibrant images captured by Carlos Benavides Diaz over his 50-year long career photographing popular celebrations throughout Colombia.
Las Rutas del Sabor
Las Rutas del Sabor is a multimedia installation focusing on similarities between Colombia, New Orleans and Louisiana. It features an original map designed by Barranquilla visual artist Tutuk M., which illustrates how Africa, Europe, and the U.S. have contributed to the birth of musical expressions such as Bullerengue and Chirimía, which are uniquely Colombian, yet strikingly similar to New Orleans’ own. Tutuk’s work is complemented with video loops highlighting Colombia’s natural and cultural landscapes, which provide additional visual clues on the parallels between these cultures..